February 2024 Sacred geometry of the month: Love Is



After embracing the unknown in January, the month of February offers the potential to move out of the transition phase into the new. Can you already feel an acceleration in your life?

Love is in the air…. And this love goes far beyond the love for another person or even self-love. The frequencies in February offer a stepping stone for a leap in consciousness, from separation into oneness and into our new identity as love.

Join me in experiencing the love that simply is. The sacred geometry symbol “Love Is” contains frequencies that support us in tapping into the abundant love of Creation and in being the love that we are at the core of our being. In this webinar, I share more about the current energies, the symbol’s frequencies and supportive practices. We activate these love frequencies within us in a meditation.

Note: The webinar took place on 4 February 2024. Upon payment, you will receive access to the video and audio recordings of the webinar and you will be able to download the “Love Is” Symbol. Use it any time you want to experience the love frequencies.

Thank you for joining me.