Sabine Kruse

Sacred Geometry · Coaching · Body, Mind & Spirit

Welcome to this space!

Are you living a balanced and fulfilled life? Or do you know deep inside that there is more to life than you are currently experiencing?
I invite you to go on a journey with me into the world of sacred geometry, the universal language of the soul. Its frequencies and codes support us in freeing our subconscious of conditioning and programming and in remembering our essence. By becoming fully aware of who we truly are, we can step beyond our limitations and live our highest potentials. I have gone on this path before, and I am delighted to inspire and empower you to live your best life through my book, easy-to-use practices, events, tailor-made sacred geometry designs and as a certified coach. Everything you need is within you. Let’s unlock It together!


Know more about sacred geometry and experience its effects

BOOK launched on 8/8/2023!

Activate Your Highest Potential With Sacred Geometry

A Practical Guide to Freedom, Authenticity and Fulfilment

My Services

Come and join me in an event, book a coaching session and enjoy your favourite or own sacred geometry design.

Video tutorials

Discover the power of sacred geometry in easy-to-use practices through my engaging video tutorials.
Start activating your highest potential and transforming your life today!